Lorenzo García, IMPACT HUB Málaga



Lorenzo García, holds a degree in Airline Pilot from the Aerofun pilot school in Madrid. He has worked in a pioneering sustainable hospitality chain in France, holding various positions over 14 years. One of the most interesting projects was working in R&D towards a more sustainable concept. He also held several positions such as Director of Product and Service Quality, Area Director of Restaurants, Team and Human Resources Trainer. He also participated in the opening of this chain in London.

Lorenzo is characterized by being an entrepreneur and having created a sustainable restaurant concept with Organic and Km0 products in Málaga in 2017. He has worked closely with artisan and local producers to enhance the local economy and the quality of the final product, motivating and promoting the Km0 product culture in the city. This new concept allowed him to connect with various companies, suppliers and to discover Impact Hub upon his arrival in Málaga in 2019.

He currently works as a Community Host at the Hilera Coworking space, contributing to the community with his knowledge, experience, and connections in the local sustainable network.