Nacho Martín Rebollo, IMPACT HUB Málaga

Nacho Martín

Project Manager

Nacho is from Málaga, an entrepreneur, and an expert in digital marketing, innovation, and startup development. Since his teenage years, thanks to the world of video games, he has been in contact with digital products, to the point of turning his passion into his profession.

He has over 10 years of experience helping companies and organizations grow, launch new products, optimize their processes, and increase their sales with strategies based on data, noCode, AI, and other disruptive technologies.

Throughout this time, he has not only founded three startups and invested in several others, but he has also been able to advise hundreds of entrepreneurs on their businesses, something that fills him with satisfaction and motivation.

He applies the knowledge gained in consultancy and training so that others can develop their strategies for growth and new product development, among other things.

His goal is to share this entrepreneurial spirit and help those who want to learn or sell more, but always with a strategy that allows them to sleep peacefully each night.

Currently, he is the Project Manager of the Acelera Startups program at Impact Hub and MentorDay.